The Holy Fire Experiences are a Guided Meditation journey (vision). God meets each Client on his/her spiritual path. The Holy Fire® Reiki Master is the facilitator (vessel) and reads the guided script to begin his/her journey. Further, the reflected ‘Light’ spoken about in all these experiences is not any ordinary Light, but is God’s Healing Light Energies coming down from Heaven.
During the session, the Client can either sit or lay down. The Holy Fire® Reiki Master will then ask the Client to decide what address with a series of questions – a goal or negative release. The Client does not need to share his or her ‘Story’ with the Holy Fire® Master. But, the Client does need to speak to Spirit silently. Remember Spirit helps the Client have a clear energetic picture. There is no wrong answer.
These experiences remind the Client that everything is base on their ‘free will’. God will not go against their ‘free will.’ These experiences ask the Client to surrender to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and Holy Fire while taking slow deep breaths. These slow deep breaths helps the mind to slow down and not be a chatter box. If thoughts come up, just agree and release. After 20 minutes, the Holy Fire® Reiki Master will ask the Client to come back at his/her own pace. The Client can then journal their experience.
You can select these experiences as a stand-alone, with a 90-minutes Holy Fire® Reiki Healing Session or presented to a group of people. I have listed the descriptions of each healing meditation experience below.
Holy Love Experiences
1. Holy Love I Experience
This experience is about receiving “God’s Divine Love” that soothes, relaxes, nurtures, and heals very deeply.
2. Holy Love II Experience
This experience scans the Client’s timeline in this lifetime to find an event or experience that needs healing.
3. Holy Love III Experience
This experience takes the Client back to the time of conception including parents and ancestral issues that needs healing.
4. Ocean of Holy Love Experience
The Ocean of Holy Love is about purifying, healing, guiding, empowering and protecting.
5. Heavenly Banquet Hall Experience
Heavenly Banquet Hall Experience is about selecting a particular window for ‘Spiritual Nourishment.’
6. Holy Fire® Healing Experience
The Holy Fire® Healing Experience can be used by itself. At the beginning, the Holy Fire® Reiki Master asks you to choose an issue to empower a ‘Goal’ or assists in releasing a ‘Negative Energy’ blockage. Then the Holy Fire® Reiki Master asks a series of questions to assist you with identifying the energic image of the issue. Next I will begin to guide you on a journey and will be silent for 20-minutes. Afterwards, you will have time to write down your experience. I will send you your mp3 recording.
You may be interested in a 90-minute Usui/HF Karuna® Reiki Session that offers both the Holy Fire® Healing Experience with the Holy Fire® Reiki Healing Session. The HF Healing Experience opens your Spirit and Soul to a more receptive state, so you can more easily release a specific issue. And together with the Usui/HF Karuna® Reiki Session, you are healed on a deeper and profound level.
Consequently concerning a ‘Goal’, Holy Fire® helps the Client to heal something that needs to be healed before attaining the goal. The Client must be willing to release all unconscious, negative attitudes, in order, to receive insight and guidance. If the goal is not in harmony with the Client’s life path, Holy Fire® can also reveal this.
Finally, with removing a ‘Negative Energy’, Holy Fire® helps the Client to release. However, the Client must be willing to let go of the negative attitude. In addition, a Client can let go of any other conditions that surround it that was created. In other words – letting the Story go. By doing so, the Client chooses to change. Chiefly, this can include seeing, feeling or knowing from God’s higher perspective.
Ready to make an appointment…
Select (1 of 6) Holy Fire® Meditation Experiences here
Select 90-minute Usui/HF Karuna® Reiki Session here