Thy Lord God saith unto you…
“My Daughter, I will not embarrass you. The things I have to say are to encourage you. I have begun to do work in your life these days to dig deep within you. Henceforth creating a greater hunger for Me than you have ever known before. For I know your life is not in order as it should be. Sometimes, your past was characterized by being able to say that you did not do all things right. I do not care about that. I care that You love Me and that you see a need for Me in Your Life.”
“Rejoice, My Daughter, for I am your Lord God, and I shall be a Husband to you. I shall watch over you and shall fill the secret desires of your heart. Therefore, you will not be frustrated any longer because people are not sensitive to you. For I see in the past that people have just not been aware of your own needs. At times, you even sometimes sought to explain them, and no one ever got the point.”
“My Daughter, I am with you – Healing, Strengthening and Undergirding you. I shall be able to let you know I know the very secrets of your heart. As you delight yourself in Me and cast all your cares upon Me – you shall see My Hand stretched forth in power for you in a new and mighty way.”
“You are a Jewel in My eyes, Greatly Beloved. And you shall be One that shall be a Lover of My Body – One through which My Love will Flow. Everyone will marvel and be drawn to you because of this Love, just the Love that you have. I Love You and Your Life will be filled with Love, My Daughter.”
Spiritual Message received at New Covenant Church, May 1982