Deborah has experience in Holistic Wellness. Her journey began over 30 years with personal Spirit Messages and Healings with family members, Deborah found herself yearning to go beyond the expectations of what she knew. She began with Usui/Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki, Christ Heart Reiki®, and Usui Jikiden Reiki from various licensed teachers. Her understanding grew from Meditation-to-Meditation Coaching with Aura Awareness. In recent years, her understanding of the human body has far surpassed the mere physical realm.

She is continuing to deepen her Spirit Message Gift with other areas such as Message of Wisdom and Knowledge, Clearing and Healing Pattern, Spiritual Assessment and Spiritual Life Coaching. To her It is important to treat one’s energetic ‘Aura’ as this is an outward link to physical ailments, addiction, and emotional suffering. and Spirit Messages as a certified Book of Life Consultant Healer, she could more effectively help others find their own “Guiding Light and Path.”

There was a time in my life when I looked to others to give me SIMPLE and EASY answers just like you.

When asked this question, I always think that in life, we have been and are many things.  My current life path is Electrical Engineering but at my core, I’m in Servant Leadership.  Reflecting back, my life has taken many winding roads.  No matter where I was or what I was doing, I’ve always been fearless and open to getting up, dusting myself off and showing up for myself and others. 

With only a high school diploma with no skills, my current life’s path happened in stages. 

As each stage of my journey unfolded, I always found myself asking God for His Support and His Guidance because I had three children to support. 

Associate Degree in Education

Initially I received my Associate Degree in Education, but my life path changed.  My friends mentioned the Electronics Program with the Technical College and I said, “What?  This would be a 180 degree about face.” 

Like always, I prayed, and God said, “Yes.” 

Electronic Technology – Technical College,  2nd place Goal Award at Graduation

I took the Technical College entrance tests, but the mechanical section was the most monumental moment.  Why?  I knew nothing about mechanics and in front of me was this test with pencil markings showing me the answers.   I was accepted but the Electronic Technology Program which was divided into two sections – Engineering and Industrial.  There were 24 students in all and only four students passed into the Engineering section and I was one of them.  Thank You God! 

A few years later, I became a Test Engineering/Calibration Technician which lead me to my current life path, Electrical Engineering (EE).  But before I began pursuing this life path challenge,      I asked God for His support.  And again, He said, “Yes.” So, off I went to night school.

Years later, I was laid-off my job, upset and yet another life path challenge.  Within days, I overheard a conservation by chance, but it was really God giving me guidance on how to finish my last 9 college classes. However, the ‘9’ turned into 16 classes.  What was I to do?  I knew this Doorway had been opened and all I had to do was ‘Just Do It!’ 

Car Parking Permit ($$$/yearly or else!)


Ga Tech Roommates and Me

I decided to stay as a full-time student and worked part-time on campus until I receive my Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from my dream college, Georgia Tech (GT). 

I graduated with honors (GPA 3.15) with a bountiful paying job. 

God is Faithful to His Promise He gave me, and I gave “My All & Best!”


Where did I attribute my ‘Never say Die’ tenacious and adventurous spirit? 

I attribute it to being raised in a military family.  My young life’s motto had been, “If a boy could do it, I can do it better.”  And I did, in so many areas of my life but I learn not to compete with others, instead I would give My All & Best!”  Currently, I am an Electrical Engineer by trade, but my one love is and always has been a constant in my life – God. (Spiritual Message – May, 1982 Prophecy)

Imagine an eight-year-old standing on a granite boulder singing as loud as she could songs to God or living in a haunted cottage in England then a house in Georgia.  That would be me.

Throughout my years, I kept searching for ways to connect with God at a deeper level.  I wanted to know: Why was I here?  How could I be of service to others?

Some of my encounters may sound scary to you, but for me… they were simply God answering my heartfelt questions.

  • I started receiving messages, dreams, and visions from Spirit and passed over Love Ones including one unhappy Indian.  I tried to get the Indian out of my home and was successful one time, but he came back.  Why?  I was too spiritually young to know how to handle this spiritual energy world.  He and I came to a truce and we coexisted with one another. 
  • I was called the ‘Nun‘ by my Aunt Agnes because whenever I prayed things happened, like my father-in-law making peace with himself even though he had prostate cancer, or when my cousin and his wife reconciled.
  • I sang songs to God in my living room and His presence would come in.  One time, I knew I was receiving a particular healing and others when I astral traveled to the outermost hemisphere of the world.   The other healings were shown to me as a ‘sparkle’ on the Planet Earth.
  • I became Spirit-filled as I learned to speak in an ancient Angel Language (Light Language, Tongues) accessing a whole new world which began a new Quest – How to learn about accessing God’s World of Spiritual Energy.

Me, Nancy and Karen (my son, Matt, took this picture)

Have I always been a spiritual person?

Yes, I have always been consciously walking with God’s Presence since my childhood days.  As a teenager, I walked with God and received guidance not to do certain things teenagers tend to do.  Back then, I did not know where those thoughts came from, but I just knew I had to obey.  My conversations with God (Spirit) lead to waiting then listening for His Voice, His Sight, His Wisdom to come forth through my hearing, my sight and my knowing.  This became my “Lifeline” to a more profound path.  (more about my journey)

WHO are you at your core?  I’m speaking to the parts of you that comes out when nobody’s watching?

One core aspect of me is “Servant Leadership.”   What is Servant Leadership?  It is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world.  Henceforth, I am always there to serve for the highest and best good for myself and others.  As the Light within me became brighter and brighter, I became guided to help others on their path to Become a Guiding Light, so others may find their way and they in turn can help others – Become a Guiding Light.

Let me help you to Become a Guiding Light that you are!